Club Signed Up


Casona Sforza

Club Signedup - Casona Sforza

Ventajas de reservar en la web

Desayuno incluido

Galletas hechas en casa de bienvenida

Cocktail de bienvenida o café de bienvenida.

Early check in o late check out sujeto a disponibilidad.

Descuento del 10% en cenas románticas privadas.



Club Signedup - Casona Sforza
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Casona Sforza

Club Signedup - Casona Sforza

Advantages of booking online

Breakfast included

Welcome homemade cookies

Welcome cocktail

Early check in / late check out based on availability

10% discount in Private Romantic Dinner



Club Signedup - Casona Sforza
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